NSK Authorized Distributors & Sales Representatives

Therefore not every dealer can sell high-quality NSK products. We only work with Authorized Distributors and Dealers who have the knowledge and experience needed in this market to meet the expected NSK standards. We also expect our partners to act in accordance with our ethical and compliance policies.

Not sure what type of bearing you need OR know exactly what kind? Either way, with our large selection of bearing inventory and 30 years of machining experience we have you covered!

Since 1983 we have been the official NSK Bearing Distributor to businesses across all over the world. Our bearing and power transmission sales staff have an average of 25 years of product knowledge behind them.

We go beyond delivering products to helping you find lasting solutions. We are a NSK Bearing Distributor that focuses on what matters most, our customer needs.

To locate specialized expertise or local availability of NSK products and services, search here by country, region or industry for a NSK authorized distributor near you.

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For other regions, please search via the following tool.

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